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The brightest sights of Great Britain

Great Britain is an unusually interesting country, consisting of several parts: England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. A huge number of ancient castles is the most attractive and bewitching feature that arouses the interest of many guests of the country. 

Travel lovers in the UK have the opportunity to see medieval buildings that delight with their mysterious appearance not only in the vicinity of cities, but also where the mystery and power of the forest dominates. 

The dilapidated walls and towers of castles, covered with moss and entwined with ivy, look rather mysterious against the background of the same old and mighty trees, peering into gaping small windows with their branches. Some of the castles serve as special museums showing the life and way of life of past times.

Inspirational London

Without a doubt, tourists from all over the world seek to see the sights of London - especially in the possessions of the capital of Great Britain, you can appreciate the richness of culture and history. Experienced guides advise you to go to the English stronghold of democracy in order to breathe in the sea air and get acquainted with the most interesting history that has soaked literally everything around: streets, squares and pavements. 

London shocks and inspires: in every corner you can feel the pattern, there is a thoroughness inherent in this country. Law-abiding residents of the country value their country, see order in everything and strive to make a worthy contribution to society and the well-being of the city in which they live. 

Seeing Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace is a real gift for a tourist who has chosen these interesting sights for his list of visits. 

The capital of Scotland, Edinburgh, is also of great interest to many guests, and the beauty of the surrounding property delights you to dizziness, conquering with untouched cleanliness.

Top places to visit

The London Eye attraction is a unique constructive structure known to the public as the Ferris wheel. The height of the giant is more than one hundred and thirty meters, and the movement of attractive entertainment is so smooth and comfortable that in a spacious booth you can indulge in dreams, while admiring the beauty of the city and thinking about the pleasant.

• Despite the abundance of attractions, all tourists who have arrived in the UK tend to see with their own eyes an ancient miracle, consisting of an impressive size of megaliths. This truly breathtaking sight evokes awe of the distant past. 

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument, which is associated with many mysteries, legends, theories and assumptions. From the point of view of historians and scientists, the creation of this miracle construction is shrouded in mystery and raises a lot of questions - the very location of the stone columns makes one think about the uniqueness of the construction.

Tower Bridge is considered a miracle of modernity: the length, height and width are large, the towers are decorated with pointed faceted domes, the observation deck is equipped with comfortable balconies and a staircase for visitors leads to it.

• Wonderful Westminster Abbey at first glance at the amazing beauty of the facades causes excitement and awe before the fabulous Gothic style of architecture. 

The ancient Catholic monastery invites all its parishioners and guests to give thanks to the divine forces, as well as enjoy the beauty of the interior halls, contemplate the luxury of the radiance of stained-glass windows and fabulous vaults.

In the UK, you will not be bored, and a lot of interesting places and bright sights will make you stay for some more time. The list of objects is impressive, especially in the capital of this amazing country - London.