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What I brought from Hamburg

Since Hamburg is a port city, souvenirs in Hamburg most often either depict the city's coat of arms, or there is a maritime theme.

Marine theme in Hamburg souvenirs.

There may be a sailboat in various designs (for example, a sailboat in a transparent glass bottle), or maybe a pilot's cap (a black cap with a dark blue stripe).

The bulk of the souvenir shops are concentrated in the City Hall area, so I didn't even make much effort to find them.

I could not resist and walk past the souvenir magnet with the emblem of the city, it is very bright and stylish. This magnet cost me about 4 euros.

Another purchase that my modest budget could afford is a light summer grocery bag that I got from Duty Free Hamburg Airport as a keepsake of Germany (for only 5 euros).

You are probably surprised by my such modest requests. But here there is also a purely practical moment - you do not need to carry heavy things with you and pay for your luggage.

My journey turned out to be quite intense, in total on this trip I visited about 11 cities, so all things were carefully selected so that the load was as light as possible for me, I moved with a relatively light backpack.

And here are all sightseeing tours in Hamburg and bus tours in Hamburg https://foxiepass.com/en/germa...