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The most beautiful and safe countries in Africa for recreation - Top 6

Traveling is always a pleasant thought. Especially when it comes to holidays on the hottest continent like Africa. Africa ranks second in terms of population. Different nations live here, having their own culture, language and customs. Unlike other continents, there are many economically poor countries in Africa. But among them there are those that are safe for tourists.

Country ranking

Holidays in Madagascar

Madagascar is a separate island. It is considered the safest for recreation among tourists. The country has many nature reserves and protected parks where rare animals live. It is worth noting that 80% of all flora and fauna live only in Madagascar.

The largest reserve is Tsingy de Bemaraha. In addition, tourists are waiting for beautiful beaches with warm sand.

The island is home to the Avenue of the Baobabs, which is included in the list of natural wonders of Africa. In Ifaty and Sainte-Marie, beach parties and various events for tourists are organized. In addition, you can take a boat trip and see humpback whales.


Tanzania is an African safari country. There are different types of travel in Tanzania. Hiking Kilimanjaro, safari in the Serengeti and first contact with birds in Ngorongoro - all this can be found in Tanzania. Serengeti is a national park-reserve, where more than 3 million animals live. Ngorongoro is located in an extinct crater. The reserve is home to 25,000 animals. Most of them are dangerous predators.

The residents are friendly. Despite this, tourists need to be more vigilant. In addition to safari and other entertainment, Tanzania has Zanzibar - a real resort for foreigners. Here you can sign up for tours of the spice market.


The country ranks first in terms of security. This is due to the fact that the Tswana people, Bushmen and Botswana are very peaceful. Previously, a British colony lived in Botswana. And so most of the modern inhabitants speak English.

More than 1 million tourists come here every year. Botswana has beautiful parks and reserves. Also, tourists can go on a safari and see animals that live in their natural habitat. It is worth noting that before the trip it is necessary to get a yellow fever vaccination.

The most popular tour is a trip to the Kalahari Desert and a walk through the national parks. Many travelers are attracted by the search for ancient treasures that were hidden by the inhabitants who lived several millennia ago.


Leader among countries with developed tourism. The wealth of the country is wildlife, beautiful beaches and nature reserves. Tourists can sign up for photo safari and underwater safari. To protect themselves before the flight, foreigners need to get vaccinated against malaria.


Uganda is considered a safe holiday destination for foreign tourists. For visitors, Uganda offers a wide variety of entertainment.

For example, visiting the Queen Elizabeth National Park. Other attractions include the Entebbe Botanical Garden. This is where the first Tarzan movie was filmed. Tourists can visit the Rwenzori mountain range. Sailing is thriving in Uganda. You can go rafting on the Nile.


Seychelles consists of 100 small islands, which are called "heaven on earth". As a rule, young couples and newlyweds come to the Seychelles for their honeymoon. On the islands you can go diving and snorkeling. The country provides a comfortable and safe holiday at any time of the year.


Holidays in African countries are different. For example, regardless of the choice of country, tourists need to get all vaccinations. In the absence of vaccination, it is necessary to stock up on malaria pills. However, you need to take them before the flight. Also in Africa you can not drink raw water or brush your teeth with it.