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New Zealand - land of pristine beauty

How do you prefer to relax during the holiday season? Under the scorching sun on the beaches of Turkey? Riding a camel through the sand dunes of Egypt? Perhaps you are more secluded and choose places where you will not be disturbed by crowds of tourists?

Or maybe you like extreme rest and are ready to exchange a sunny beach for rocky foothills, and comfortable hotels for a sleeping bag and a tent? Well, in this case, you simply must visit New Zealand.

Of course, any tour operator can be quite surprised by such a choice, but the money spent and the long flight are worth it - you will return to your homeland as a different person.

New Zealand is rightfully considered one of the most picturesque places on the planet, because most of its territory is covered with dense forests and endless pastures. No wonder the shooting of two trilogies of Peter Jackson - "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit" took place here. The beauty of New Zealand is so pristine that even the most large-scale shooting did not require additional computer effects from the director and his team, because even in this form they are able to amaze the richest imagination.

However, New Zealand is not only a huge nature reserve, but also a wonderful platform for all lovers of extreme sports. Any person who is thirsty for an adrenaline rush who has visited this country will experience sensations close to euphoria. Here you can skydive from the Oakland Bridge, and incomparable swimming among the hot springs on Hot Water Beach, and rafting on the Waitomo Glove underground river.

What's more, if you've always loved watching the sun rise, in New Zealand you will have a unique opportunity to become the first person to watch the sunrise on the planet. If you consider yourself a supporter of everything mystical and unusual, then by all means visit Cape Reinga, where, according to an ancient legend, all the souls of the dead go.

Perhaps you have always wanted to see an ancient reptile - a dinosaur that has survived to this day? No problem - if you have a special pass, you can visit Stephens Island, where an amazing creature lives, the only one of its kind - the tuatara - the closest relative of giant lizards.

New Zealand is undoubtedly one of the most interesting places on earth, so if your finances allow you, put aside all doubts and go to conquer the unexplored expanses of pristine beauty.